Of service to our community since 1992
Attend Anywhere/Near Me is a video calling service which can be accessed online and enables you to video call your loved one. This has proven particularly helpful during the COVID-19 pandemic visiting restrictions. These calls may take place mostly anytime however the calls must be booked in advance by contacting Bethesda reception on 01851 706222 or emailing Heather on office@bethesdahospice.co.uk
Bethesda Hospice SCO 15783
Springfield Road, Stornoway, Isle of Lewis HS1 2PS
Copyright © 2018 Bethesda Hospice - All Rights Reserved.
Bethesda Care Home & Hospice is open to visitors, however currently for the Care Home and Hospice we ask you do not visit if you have any cold/flu like symptoms such as with coronavirus, or if you have recently been in contact with someone who has.
There are no restrictions on how many visits or visitors our patients/residents can have each day/week.
The Hospice visiting should be discussed with staff.